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How To Fill Out The Global Talent Stream Application Form


The Global Talent Stream was implemented by the Canadian government to streamline the visa application process so Canadian companies could quickly find and hire foreign tech workers. Unlike the traditional visa process, Global Talent Stream applications typically take 3-4 weeks to be processed.

However, completing the application form and submitting it can still be a bit complicated. Here we’ll walk you through how to find the application form, fill it out and submit it.

Where Can I Find The Global Talent Stream Application Form?

To get started on your application, head to the Service Canada website and click the link under “Forms” to open the PDF. Only use forms provided directly from this website, as any out-of-date versions may not be accepted. 

How Do I Fill Out The Global Talent Stream Application Form?

Sections 1-4

Section 1 is for applicants applying under Category A. Most employers will fall under Category B, and can skip straight to section 2. To learn more about whether you’re eligible under Category B, read our post here.

In Section 2, you will have to provide information on your business, including legal name, address, and gross revenue, as well as how many employees you have working for you under your Canada Revenue Agency business number. The information needed for this section is fairly basic, so you shouldn’t have to do too much digging to find what you need. 

Section 3 of the form will ask you to provide employer contact information. They will use this to reach out and ask questions about your Labour Market Benefits Plan, as well as the business in general. Always be careful when selecting employees for this section, as they need to be able to speak on behalf of the company and provide reliable and timely information whenever contacted by immigration officials (usually via email, although they will also need to have at least 1 call).

The employees listed should also be able to provide more information on the type of job listed in the application. Pick someone who works in the same department as the potential employee and/or who can speak to the technical requirements of the job. 

If you have outside representation, list their information in section 4. This is most often a lawyer or consultant, although it can also be a family member or associate.

Sections 5 and 6

Section 5 is one of the most important parts of the application, so pay particular attention when filling it out. This is where you’ll list all of the information related to the job offer, including a description of their daily tasks and technical requirements. Try to keep this short and technical as there is only so much room provided. You’ll also have to list the expected NOC code, as well as anticipated start date. It will usually take about a month to get the worker settled, so you should list a date that is at least a month out. The section asks for employment duration - the maximum is 2 year, which is usually what I request on behalf of my clients.

You’ll be asked to provide information on language requirements for the job, as well as the educational background needed for the role, and to detail any recruiting efforts you made to try to find Canadian workers. It is not required that you make an effort to find Canadian workers under the Global Talent Stream, but always worth mentioning if you have.

You’ll then be asked to estimate the impact that hiring foreign workers could have on Canadian employment. Although answers will vary here, many companies will say that hiring foreign workers will allow them to grow more quickly and leads to hiring more Canadians down the road.

Section 6 of the form is all about compensation and benefits. The Global Talent Stream has minimum wage requirements, so pay close attention to this section. You’ll first be asked to provide the range of wages paid to the current employees at your company under the same occupation (if any), as well as the hours of work, benefits, and vacation. 

Sections 7-10

Section 7 is fairly simple, and will ask for more information on business activities at the location where the employee will work. If they will be working at multiple locations, make sure to list them. 

Sections 8-10 are some of the most important parts of the application as they deal with the Labour Market Benefits Plan (LMBP) - in these sections, your company will have to commit to 3 activities that will be more for the benefit of the Canadian labour force. These activities are divided into 1 mandatory and 2 complementary benefits. If you are applying under category A, the mandatory requirement is creating jobs or investment opportunities for Canadians. For Category B, the mandatory requirement is increasing skills and training investments. 

You’ll then have to list how you plan on providing these benefits, and when you plan on doing them. They ask for specific activities, so don’t list too many, as you have to be able to live up to your promises and track your progress. Every 12 months, the ESDC will call in to check on your progress.

Section 10 will ask you to list the two complementary benefits you plan on providing. These can be a wide variety of things such as hiring more Canadians/permanent residents, creating additional educational opportunities, hiring co-op students, creating mentorship opportunities, pursuing policies that help employ underrepresented groups and others.

For help on creating your own LMBP, feel free to connect with me here.

Remaining sections

The remaining part of the application includes a signature page which is very straight-forward and can be e-signed, a payment processing page and details on the foreign workers you are sponsoring. While these are simple to fill out, make sure you fill out the temporary foreign worker information exactly as it appears on their passport (especially the full legal name). If it doesn’t match, you could run into issues during their work permit application.

What Else Do I Need For The Global Talent Stream Application?

When you’re submitting an application for the first time, you’ll also need to meet the business legitimacy requirement, providing the ESDC with documents proving that your business:

  • Has had no previous issues complying with the government

  • Is able to meet all requirements stated in the job offer

  • Operates within Canada

  • Is offering a job that corresponds to your business’s needs

Note that if you’ve been approved through the program or received another LMIA approval in the last 2 years, you can skip this step. If you haven’t, you’ll also have to provide 1 of the following:

  • T2 schedule 100 balance sheet and T2 125 income information

  • T2125 statement of business activities

  • T2042 statement of farming activities

  • T3010 registered charity information return

  • T4 records for 3 payment periods (only applies if the employee already works for you)

  • A CRA notice of assessment

  • An attestation from a lawyer or CPA stating that your business is in good financial standing and that it can fulfill all contractual obligations made to workers throughout their visa term

  • Any company outside of Canada must submit invoices or contracts for any services or goods that they provide within the country

You’ll also have to provide 1 of the following:

  • A business licence (municipal, provincial, or territorial)

  • T4 summary of remuneration paid

  • PD7A account statement of source deductions

  • An attestation from a lawyer or CPA stating that you are operating as a legal business entity in Canada

  • Businesses located outside of Canada will need to provide invoices for any services or goods that they provide in the country

How Do I Submit The Global Talent Stream Application Form?

There are a number of different ways to submit the application, with the easiest being online using the Data Gateway portal. First you’ll need to create an account by reaching out to the Employer Contact Centre at 1-800-367-5693. Once you have an account, you can login and simply upload the form (and don’t forget the business legitimacy documents if you need them). 

If you want to file a hard copy, there are 2 ways to submit. The first is to fax it to the Global Talent Stream office at 1-844-365-9665. If you live outside of the US or Canada, the number is 819-953-9898. 

You can also submit your application by mailing it to the following address (note that sending the application by mail will add a few business days to the processing time):

Global Talent Stream 


140 Promenade du Portage 

Phase IV 

Gatineau QC K1A 0J9


If you’re preparing your first Global Talent Stream application form, you should be excited for this big step for your company. However, the process can be daunting. And if you need help with a GTS application, make sure to connect with us here.

joshua schachnow