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Population of Ottawa Reaches 1 Million

Ottawa is now one-million people strong. Actually, taking into account the city across the river on the Quebec side, Gatineau, the number pf people residing and working in the national capital area was over one-million some time ago. The city of Ottawa is growing with the federal government as the major employer, along with significant accretion coming from the tech side.

Ottawa is not quite Silicon Valley North yet, but new and expanding businesses in the tech and related fields are definitely on the upswing. In particular, Ottawa is becoming known as a centre for excellence in animation. Animation accounts for nearly half of the city's film and television yearly production. The city hosts the annual Ottawa International Animation Festival, the largest competitive animation film festival in North America which is to be held this year from September 21-25. Recently a large Vancouver-based animation company announced an expansion of its facilities to Ottawa which includes a production project for Netflix.

With it's two large universities, Carleton and the bilingual University of Ottawa, the city is home to many foreign students. In addition, Algonquin College in the city's west end, offers a renowned animation program which also attracts international talent.

Ottawa will undoubtedly be the beneficiary of creative newcomers who will be studying and ultimately settling in the city and its surrounding region after studying or working here.

If you’re interested in expanding your operations in Ottawa or another city in Canada, head over here to learn more or book a chat.

This post was written by Jack Silverstone

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